Stock Price Prediction and Investment Simulation - Based on SSA-CNN-LSTM Method


  • Shangyu Yan Author



stock predict, technical analysis, deep learning


Stock price fluctuations, which are time-series in nature. At the same time, based on the machine learning Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) has excellent processing ability in predicting long time series, this paper proposes a stock price prediction method using CNN-LSTM optimized for LSTM hyperparameters using Sparrow algorithm. The data used in this study covers a total of 3403 trading days from March 1, 2010 to March 29, 2024 and about 40 technical indicator factors were selected. CNN model was firstly used to obtain features in the data. And later, CNN-LSTM network using SSA for parameter optimization uses the extracted features for stock price prediction and simulated trading based on the predicted up and down signals. The experimental results show that the SSA-CNN-LSTM network is able to provide better prediction accuracy than the CNN-LSTM network for price derivation. This prediction method not only provides a better op-eration idea for actual trading, but also provides practical experience for scholars to study time se-ries in finance.



01 October 2024

How to Cite

Yan, S. . (2024). Stock Price Prediction and Investment Simulation - Based on SSA-CNN-LSTM Method. Science, Technology and Social Development Proceedings Series, 1, 79-90.