A Study on the Construction of Patriotism in Main Theme Film and Television Works


  • Qiaoyi Zhu Geely University of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, 640400, China Author




main theme film and television works, patriotic spirit, constructive research


Mainstream cinematic works, with their distinctive perspectives and narrative styles, have emerged as vital vehicles for the promotion of patriotic sentiments. These productions, through their diverse and emotionally profound subject matter, not only provide audiences with visual and auditory delights but also ignite a strong sense of identity with the nation and its people. In recent years, as times evolve, the standard of creating such works has been continuously elevated, with themes becoming increasingly relatable to real life, striving to awaken dormant patriotism within viewers. Amid the global wave of cultural integration and collision, there is an ever-growing need for cinematic works to disseminate and fortify patriotic ideals. These mainstream films are not merely artistic creations but also cultural missions, employing in-depth explorations of history and modernity, individual and collective narratives, to forge novel expressions of patriotism.



11 October 2024




How to Cite

Zhu, Q. (2024). A Study on the Construction of Patriotism in Main Theme Film and Television Works. Education Insights, 1(3), 15-21. https://doi.org/10.70088/dbyqp028